Coronavirus Care Kit

Coronavirus Care Kit Card
Coronavirus Care Kit Card
Coronavirus Care Kit Card

This FREE kit is suitable for primary school students and their families

Our Coronavirus Care Kit consists of simple strategies you can put in place to help you cope. They are primarily aimed at parents and primary school students but will enhance wellbeing for everyone. The aim is to ease the load for parents by providing you with some easy wellbeing activities you can do with your child, or for older children (years 4-6) to do on their own.

Our Care Kit consists of 12 Activity Cards, tools to enhance your wellbeing as defined by PERMA-H, a description of Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) Character Strengths and posters to prime your environment for wellbeing. These activities can all be done on their own, or can be complemented with our Character Strength Cards, Gratitude Journals and Calm Corner Cards.